
Friday, May 25, 2012

781. This Is The Day That I Will Be Contacted

When I started my blog, my goal was to write every day for one year.  I knew that was a bit ambitious and that I would most likely miss some days, so I promised myself I would write two or three the next time to make up for it.  Notice I say my goal was to write every day.  I never said my goal was to write something consistently great.    
But that has somehow morphed into my new goal. 

It is not enough now to just write, now the goal is to write something great. 
I want my writing to stick with you and haunt you, like that renegade piece of popcorn that lodged in between your back molars and now you can’t get it out and you are dying for some dental floss but you are still at work so you try your best to get it out with the side of your tongue, then the clean edge of your pencil eraser, and finally your car key, but the kernel is permanently wedged.   It mocks you, saying, “Here I am!  You can’t escape me!  Even when you don’t want to think about me, here I am!”

Yeah, that is what my writing strives to be.  
So, what I am saying is:  I live in fear that the one day I write something brilliant will be the day no one reads my blog.  And the one day I write something cutesie about my kids and how adorable they are will be the day the Very Important Magazine Editor clicks over. 



  1. As someone who writes everyday I know what's involved and I am impressed by how you do it. I manage it by writing mad stuff which is much easier, but has most of the punters scratching their heads.

    Well done keep up the good work

    1. Thanks, Rob, that means a lot to me. :)


  2. I don't think a super important magazine editor sits under Jesus windows. But I could be wrong. I frequently am.
    Keep going...but it will not always be great. (I know this, because I am old. And was a writer.) The real thing is that WE DON'T CARE! Just keep writing. Consistency really is the key. Unless you're James Patterson, who hooks up with people he's met in bars and then starts putting his name on their novels--his name is first and in bigger letters, even though they wrote 97.2% of the damn book. But I don't like James Patterson, so I guess it doesn't matter.

    1. RE: the Jesus windows. I would totally love an office like that! (look closer, you can see she is wearing Chuck Taylor high-tops shoes-- if that does not make her hip and trendy, I don't know what does. Maybe she and Muse are pals?)

      And thank you Kirby for your kind words about my writing.

      Who is this terrible James Patterson? Have not heard of him.

  3. I wrote (nearly) every day for a year, and a lot of my stuff just plum sucked. I'm so relieved to be off that train.

    You, on the other hand, never fail to deliver. Kudos!

    1. Oh, thanks for your kind words, Marianne!

  4. MOV, from the moment I started following you, right up until now, I'm still amazed at how you ALWAYS come up with the goods.

    I think your ever growing fan club, is a testimony to the fact that people adore your writing. Keep doing what you do best, which is entertaining the masses.

  5. I could never write everyday and deliver like you do. You are nothing short of amazing!

  6. What do you mean? They haven't called yet?

  7. Any magazine editor that comes to your blog won't be by happenstance and none worth their salt will only read one.

    Now can you post that on my blog? I'm really good at giving advice to others that I likely won't listen to myself.


    1. So true. I love to give advice, hate to take it.

  8. Well when i guest post I try to be a real writer, but my blog is nothing more than my own place in the world to record things. The hardest part is that it doesn't always go in line with the reason I am trying to draw attention to myself in the first place.

    It is almost like people expect fashion people to only talk about fashion. I have a bajillion other things to talk about! I am not a one track mind. You know I have my own muse, and all those other people too.

    I love your writing especially when Muse steals shit!

    1. Thank you! and Muse will be back, I guarantee it.

  9. I thought I was your Muse....epic fail on my part.

    1. oh, Tuna......... if you look like Kate Moss, then YES, you are my Muse. :)

      feel better?


  10. MOV, your writing is wonderful -constantly. I really don't know how you do it. Some posts are indeed better than others, but some subjects are naturally more interesting than others and that does not mean the writing is 'better'. Beauty is in the eye of the reader at all times...~R

    1. Thank you, Raymond! So kind of you to say.

  11. You're stuff is always great! I always finish reading your blogs with a cheesy smile in my face! My muse looks like the cookie monster :D

    1. Thanks, Aysh! (and where have you been?!)

  12. You are doing great the way you are and I think you are totally downplaying your awesome level of output!
    It's one thing to write well but quite another to do it consistently over a long period of time. Here's to another 780 posts!

    1. Thank you, Simon! that means a lot to me.

  13. This comment has been removed by the author.

    1. Hey Kait, I saw your comment about the clutter post and that is why I put it back up (after I had removed it). I was not 100% happy with it (wanted it to be funnier), but I definitely appreciate you saying to repost it. So I did! Thanks.

  14. I'll just say "ditto" to everything everyone else has said.


When you write a comment, it makes me feel like I won the lottery or at the very least like I ate an ice-cream sundae. (This has nothing to do with the fact that I did just eat an ice-cream sundae.)