
Saturday, February 4, 2012

652. Marianne Walsh Interviews Me

Marianne Walsh, über-talented writer for Chicago Parent magazine, contacted me to do an interview about writing and publishing my book, Mom's Had A Rough Day. I have followed Marianne’s blog, We Band of Mothers, for a long time, so I was thrilled that she would want to talk with me. The email exchange went something like this:

Her:  Can I interview you for an article in Chicago Parent?

Me:  OMG, yes! Is the magazine going to pay my airfare? Will there be a photographer? Should I buy a new outfit?

Her:  No. No. And yes (no reason not to buy a new outfit!). But it’s a phone or email interview.

Me:  Oh. So I could be in my jammies and no one would really care?

Her:  Pretty much.

We finally settled on an email interview (translation: I did not want her to write negative things about my kids screaming in the background), and I thought it went well. I only forgot to send the attachment twice.

So without further ado, I give you the interview. (Thanks, Marianne.)



  1. Sorry there was no photo shoot. Interesting interview, though! Congrats on self-publishing!

    1. thank you, stephanie! (and considering the sad state of my hair lately, maybe the no photo shoot thing was actually a good thing?)

  2. We find out your real name! :O
    Congrats!! Hope your book blows up and you become a gajillionaire!

    1. yes, yes, it's true. My mother did not name me MOV. gah, how do you even pronounce "MOV"? is it mauve like the color mauve or is it M-O-V, like you are chanting a bizarre football cheer? I personally say mauve, but I know about 99% of people who read this tell me they say M-O-V. Either is fine with me!!!!!!!

      and i cannot count high enough to be a gajillionaire, but I will take it. :)

  3. Fantastic. I used to read Chicago Parent when my kids were young! A book!!! Congratulations.

  4. Hmmm...I think I can tell by your word choice that you were not dressed up. You should still get a new outfit for riding on the fame coaster! :)

    1. I'm still not dressed up. As I type this at 7 in the morning I am wearing my target jammies, the ones with the purple top and the cotton bottoms that have pictures of garden stuff all over (watering cans, veggies, etc). Comfy!

      I would like a new outfit, and I did buy one when I had the book signing party. :)

  5. Replies
    1. thank you! right back at ya. And did the JCPenney ad campaign do the YES commercial like you predicted??

  6. Great article (and informative on self-publishing)!

    I just posted your book to my facebook wall too - not that I have that huge of an influence, but every little bit helps, right? :-)

    1. thank you so much, Erin! that is really kind of you. And I'll bet you have more influence than you think. :)

  7. Always glad to help a fellow blogger who I might be working for one day! Can I get you some coffee, MOV?

    1. Shouldn't it be the other way round, Famous PAID Writer Marianne? shouldn't I be bringing YOU coffee?!?


  8. That's very exciting. congratulations!

    I live in Missouri now, but I lived in Illinois for 6 years as a child. So Chicago isn't very far from here.


    1. Teresa,

      Thanks for checking out my blog! Welcome. I hope you have some time to take a peek at my archives. :) People tell me they're funny...........



When you write a comment, it makes me feel like I won the lottery or at the very least like I ate an ice-cream sundae. (This has nothing to do with the fact that I did just eat an ice-cream sundae.)